Wednesday, January 17, 2007

An Erotic Bakery Surprise

One of my dear friends from Minneapolis just got her PhD last week (go SpeedyKT go!) and I thought I'd send her a gift. We live down the street from the Erotic Bakery, so what a finer gift to send as a graduation present than a cake with a big penis on it? (note this is a clean blog so I have included a picture of one of their lip-cookies instead of the penis cake, but for their full selection check out their website)

I've been kinda busy lately so last week I hopped on the old 'puter and checked out what they had on their website. It turns out that the penis cake is $40 (and another $20 to have it shipped overnight) which is a bit pricey (plus if it didn't get delivered promptly it may become inedible) so I thought I'd go with the more affordable and flexible option of cookies. Plus this way I could get a bunch of different cookies with something different on each of them and my good friend could experience their whole array of erotic options.

Unfortunately, it seems my website order glitched so instead of an array of different cookies and a card that says "congratulations," she only got two cookies, both with the same thing (female parts instead of male, unfortunately) and a card that says 'eat me'.


Next time I should probably take the time to go down the street and place the order in person.


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much Josie! I think knowing that I accidently got two girlie cookies makes it even MORE FUNNY!!!!

Newt said...

Too funny! And it's always the thought that counts.

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