For the spewing of humor and rage, the melding of life and intellect, and other news from Kansas
Saturday, April 29, 2006
The Ball is Rolling
My two brothers that were looking for colleges have officially decided where they want to go - one is going to Knox College in Galesberg IL (about 1000 students total) and the other is going to Kansas University in Lawrence KS. Can you get much more diverse brothers? Of course they're only related to me and not to each other (figure that one out) so I guess it makes sense that they are so different.
My Studly Hubby is off galavanting around in Iowa this weekend escorting some other chick down the aisle as a groomsman, I'm not sure if that's weird but I guess it's ok as long as she doesn't try to make out with him. I kindly opted out since I have so much to do here, and then ended up spending most of the day today watching movies but I think that's what I really needed. In fact, I feel another movie urge coming on with maybe some popcorn, and... here I go!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Honing my Acting Skillz
A Gem in the Rocks

I was going back through some old emails (FYI I have thousands of old emails - I keep everything that may be important) looking for an important work-related Excel file, when I found something even better... THIS picture of Wonder Woman, sent to me by My Naked Coworker for whatever reason. Pretty good huh?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
But here is my question: if I actually fart, then should I loudly clarify, "that was my butt!"? Or do I lie and say "that was my glove!" or say nothing at all which is as good as saying "that was my butt!"
So during my break from thesis-writing, I've attacked the stack of graduation paperwork full-on. This stuff is tough, man. I was starting to wonder today whether part of getting the PhD is figuring out how to fill out all the forms. They offer no directions for filling them out, forgot at least two on their "Master Checklist" (leading me to wonder how important they really are) and often neglect to tell you where to turn them in or even whether you need to turn them in. I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw this up since I'm notorious for screwing things like this up (although I didn't screw up the taxes this year so things are looking up!). Fortunately our graduate program has a pretty sharp office manager who can usually figure out what's going on. I personally wrote one of the recommendations that recently won her a sweet cash award so hopefully I will get some special treatment too. Just in case, though, I scheduled in some serious brown-nosing time today and I think it was effective because I already got help from her with one of the forms. Maybe I outta try some of that brown-nosing to get my committee chair to agree to a May defense... I hear cookies can be helpful...
Monday, April 24, 2006
The Almighty Minnesota Massage
Now I will go and try to RELAX some more.
I was so sick of looking at my computer by the end of the day Friday that I couldn't bring myself to even blog all weekend, although I did get on for five minutes on Sat and five minutes on Sun to delete all the dozens of junkmail messages I get every weekend. I'm in serious recovery mode now and hoping to get over my computer aversion soon.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Almost.... THERE!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
How the Martians Make Cars
Some astronauts landed on Mars, and met some Martians. The Martians gave them a tour and showed them where they worked and ate and how they lived. Then the Martians showed the astronauts the factory where Martians are made. "Wow!" the astronauts said, "That's not at all how people are made!" The Martians said "Oh? How are people made?" and the astronauts explained it to the Martians. The Martians jumped back in surprise and said "My oh my! That's how we make cars!"
His point was something like this: NEVER simply believe in something just because everyone else believes it, you should question authority and question long-held beliefs and assumptions and especially question anyone with a strong opinion about anything.
I really liked this guy, and I'm glad I got the award so I could meet him.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Minnesota Gophers!
So tunneling may have had nothing to do with it, but it is kind of a funny coincidence that we are the Gophers, and gophers do like to tunnel.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
The Explosexuawesome Career Guide

A friend of mine from Iowa City published a book this month called The Explosexuawesome Career Guide, through the publishers of the Far Side books. The book description on Amazon describes it well so I'll just put that here:
Yes, there are actual people who are paid to blow up yachts, taste ice cream, and stand around nightclubs looking cool. How does one go about landing such jobs? What are the qualifications? And more important, how much does one get paid? These questions and many more are hilariously answered in Mose Hayward's The Explosexuawesome Career Guide.
Exposing all the cool careers your guidance counselor never mentioned, The Explosexuawesome Career Guide is a perfect (and totally necessary) gift for all recent graduates. Weird, bizarre, and unusual but totally awesome jobs are out there for the taking. Author Hayward has sought out holders of these most outlandish, one-in-a-million jobs, and interviewed them to discover crucial information, such as how they got hired and what they do all day.
With Hayward's insightful interviews, the reader gets hilarious step-by-step instructions on how they, too, can achieve these cool-yet-odd positions. Each career is illustrated by the comic art of Chris Stangl. This outlandish parody of career guidebooks is sure to entertain, whether or not you're in the market for a new career.
I've bought the book and it is indeed explosexuawesome.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Scary Movie 4 Review
I guess I would recommend renting Scary Movie 4, if you're into that sort of thing, and not actually going to the theater so you can avoid all the 14-year olds and allow yourself the option of turning it off if it's not your thing. It may not be your thing.
Tornado in Iowa City - Part 2

My friend who works downtown writes:
Eastern Iowa was hit by 17 tornadoes yesterday. It's pretty breathtaking. Houses with roofs blown off and walls missing. Cars overturned in the road and in ditches. Massive trees taken down and uprooted. And all this happened within a half mile from [downtown]. The Da

He went on to say that stores are throwing out large amounts of perishable product due to the electrical outage but that nearby Cedar Rapids is ok (except for some hail) and everyone he knows in Iowa City is ok - miraculously.
My mom works near downtown and walked around a bit. She said it's unbelievable. The city has come together to express unanimous shock at the mess that was left behind. The media is reporting on the major

I wish everyone luck cleaning up the mess and rebuilding, I really wish I could be there to help (and do some gawking).
Some great photos can be found through a University of Iowa News Release, and at the Daily Iowan and Press Citizen websites (including a spectacular video through the Press Citizen).
Friday, April 14, 2006
Tornado in Iowa City!
My high school was a shelter! Imagine that! And the U of Iowa classes were cancelled (now you know it was bad)!
Check it out on the national news, local news and the U of I Daily Iowan (paper).
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I'm the lucky birthday girl
When it comes to birthdays, I vote that you take as many days as you can and turn them all into birthdays.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Jaunt around Lake Calhoun
That's exactly what we did last night, and it was fantastic. We bought some sushi at the fancy grocery store down the way and had some at the dock, then oggled at the dogs and the tans and the sunglasses and the people, oh the people, that were there at the lake. We weren't even slowed down by the tragic homocide that took place there two weeks ago (although we did clear out by dark).
What fun is spring!
J & D's best of Netflix... for now
Newleyweds, all of them
Buffy, all of them (although we're only on season five, so I'm having faith the rest is good)
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Grizzly Man, documentary about the crazy man who lived with the bears
DiG, documentary about a crazy band that's actually very good
Okee Noodling, documentary about some crazy dudes who go fishing with their hands
The Iron Giant, movie by the same dude that did the Incredibles
Crumb, documentary about the eccentric Robert Crumb
Sunday, April 09, 2006
More Iowa Adventures
You get a lot of big bunches of flowers at a funeral and it's very hard to figure out what to do with all of them afterwards, especially when you're not really thinking clearly. We finally put most of them on the freshly covered grave, and a few people took some home, including us. We got a beautiful bouquet in a wood basket that I plan to keep and use later. Maybe I'll someday plant something in it! Or maybe I'll just fill it up with green styrofoam.
Queens Rule, Kings Drool
Queens are the best. Kings suck.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
The new toothbrush

We'll see where the night leads me.
Nutritional Yeast
Sunday, April 02, 2006
My Studly Hubby assures me that, considering the guy we're talking about here (who will fart in front of anyone, at any time, and always has a dirty joke ready to go on a moment's notice) probably has already shocked his wife's parents plenty. So I'm thinking I'm gonna take that risk and send him the card anyway and make it as bad as I can because it'll probably be another three or four years before I remember his birthday again anyway... so here goes! I'll let you know how it turns out.
Here's to Sunday...
We've become addicted to this Neopolitan style pizza place across the Mississippi in a little neighborhood called Highland Park. The pizza is so good that you crave more even after you stuff your face until you feel sick from it, which is exactly what we did for lunch today.
It sucks on the first day of Daylight Savings because you wake up and have already missed out on an hour of Sunday fun. It too bad it doesn't happen on a Monday... and we got to work one hour less because of it... that would be awesome. Mondays are awful, there's nothing you can do to make them better except call in sick but then Tuesdays suck. Actually there is one thing that makes Monday suck less - work straight though the weekend , but that sucks for an entirely different reason.
Here's to Sunday! Except my champaigne glass I'm toasting you with just has water in it because you can't buy alcohol here on Sundays.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Springing Forward
Dairy Queen, we're back!!
Speaking of CPR, if you're ever in a situation where someone is passed out and you don't know what to do but there's a defribillator (AED) nearby, turn it on and press the "?" button and it'll instruct you in each step of CPR. With these kinds of things, who needs a Red Cross certification? Just make sure that the passed out person actually needs CPR (ex. the heart has stopped beating) otherwise they'll be pretty angry when they wake up to you punching them repeatedly in the chest. Maybe THAT's why we get the Red Cross certification, so we know all those important little details.
So besides going to Dairy Queen today, I played catch-up... laundry, dishes, talking to my mommy on the phone (while doing laundry and dishes, grad school has taught me the useful art of multi-tasking). There's so much to do that tomorrow will be more of the same I'm afraid. It feels good to finally get to it though. We were about to turn over to paper plates, and I think my Studly Hubby may have gone a few days without underwear last week.
Speaking of my Studly Hubby, he finished his third class this week and is launching into the fourth. Halfway there! He's really starting to make some nice stuff, too. Next class he is going to work on facial animations, so he will be contorting his face at me all the time whenever we are talking. It'll be weird but I've gotten used to him contorting his body and acting out his scenes in public places so I suppose this will just be another form of that.
And for one final announcement: I have begun work on my thesis, and boy, is it a lot easier than that horrible grant. I feel like a genius working on this thesis in comparison. In fact, I wrote an entire chapter in under an hour on Friday. This is how I did it so fast, for those of you who may have to write a thesis sometime (you never know)... 1. write a paper (bonus, get it published!) 2. keep the MS Word document of the paper (this is important) and then 3. copy all that stuff from the MS Word document over into another document that says THESIS. It works pretty swell. The problem is, I still have to move some things around some, the figures in particular, and one of my three chapters has some experiments missing that I intend to do next week (and therefore the paper hasn't been written yet, so that chapter will take a little longer to put together). But! The important thing is, I'm moving along on that thesis and may even graduate someday! And that will deserve another crunch cone.
Time to take a break
What do you do to relax? These past two years I feel like I have forgotten how to relax. It reminds me a little of grad school and how afte...
In my post below I mentioned that I bought a new sleeping bag this weekend. The sleeping bag that got replaced has become a legend among my ...
I got together with some of my homegirls from the research lab today and went out into the community to teach junior high age girls about ho...
Two reasons: 1) it will get me more hits on my blog 2) it is an interesting topic, and needs some attention So for those of you that are hop...