Wednesday, October 12, 2005


My plans tonight were thwarted - I had rented garage space over at a friend's house who lives in the neighborhood so I could clean the carpets of my car using their shopvac. It was a pretty sweet deal - they have all the things you don't find out on the street like good lighting, electricity, shelter from the rain (and it's raining) - however one of them is sick and they have a baby so we postponed for tomorrow night. I instead settled for spraying a half a bottle of Febreeze on the carpets to calm the stench. Now it stenches of Febreeze but I think that's better than the previous stench which was something like dirty laundry and swamp, not that I'm totally sure what a swamp smells like since I'm from Iowa.

I was all psyched up to clean my car tonight so when I couldn't it was too late to psych myself up for another project. I instead decided to watch Buffy on DVD but my Studly Hubby, in a moment of extreme un-Studliness, kicked me off the tv to watch Martha Stewart's The Apprentice. Zing! If you think that's pretty un-Studly of him, you should let him know at his blog. I think he'd really appreciate it. I found a way to circumvent this - since I am pretty studly myself, I have a laptop that plays DVD's so I retreated to the bedroom to watch Buffy on my laptop in peace and quiet - no boys allowed. In the event that my un-studly husband discovers that Martha Stewart isn't all he thought it was going to be, I barricaded the door with tampons and nail polish and de-cootied myself with lavender scented body spray. That'll stop him! Or at least make him extremely uncomfortable! Although after watching Martha Stewart my diversions may not prove nearly as effective.

Well, I better move on to the Buffy-thon without further ado.


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