Saturday, September 24, 2005

O Abhored Blog, I Found You!

I finally found a blog to abhor that is not abhorable due to any political affiliation but simply due to bad content and bad grammar. The opening sentence of the most recent entry was this:

One night when we were too young to drink legally and way too young to care what kind of company we were keeping, we hoped into the Frankenstein mobile and hit to road to for a wild and crazy adventure.

I was stunned to discover in the next sentence that the narrator is female. I had to read on. It turns out, she's also a MOM (next entry) and I quickly found myself grimacing as I couldn't stop reading her addictively disgusting account of child-birth:

Well, the nurse was checking my dilation and I had to puke while she was doing that, we all know that they way the body reacts to puking is a total body spasm and I ended up farting and peeing on the nurse at the same time! I was sooooo excited to have farted infront of Brea and the brat had her damn ears plugged!!

(I gather 'Brea' is a good high school friend)

Anyways I finally have added a blog under my list of 'Blogs I Abhor.' I knew the perfect blog would come to me someday. I may eventually move it to 'Blogs I Adore'; my relationship with this blog is already turning into a sort of love/hate thing.

Since I am here I may as well update you on my Full Recovery Saturday. I have discovered two new loves (well my love has at least been relinquished): Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the show (on DVD - before when the show was constantly interrupted by commercials I just never got into it), and Jalepino flavored hummos. Mmmmm, good stuff. When combined, they make for a delectable Saturday afternoon.

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