Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Downhill Ski Adventure

One of the great things about Seattle is that you don't have to deal with snow during your every day life but when you have snow-withdrawel you need only drive a few hours and you can get some - loads and loads of it actually. On Friday my Studly Hubby and I went with some brave souls from my lab out to Stevens Pass ski resort to do some downhill skiing. We hadn't been downhill skiing since junior high so we were a little bit nervous, but I was also very excited to see what the snow scene is like around here.

The snow scene was just amazing! First off, let me tell you this: driving out there is no easy task. Here in Washinton State, they have never heard of salt and have only one snow plow. They REQUIRE chains through most of the mountain passes and we found out why on Friday morning. Thankfully we weren't driving. We made it in one piece, got suited up and headed out to take a ski lesson. It turns out that the ski resort itself is a mountain, with about ten feet of snow all over it (and it was snowing all day while we were there). It was BEAUTIFUL. And people around here really know how to ski. We had a fantastic lesson, then skied down the "bunny" hill about fifty times until we felt confident enough to take the express chair lift up the mountain to the next level "blue" ski run. We made it about halfway down before taking off the skis and walking. Maybe that will be for next time.

Now that I've seen the snow scene, I'm super excited about getting out there and doing some more. We need to find a good place to do some cross country skiing, because that's usually cheaper, and we've decided to definitely try the downhill ski thing one more time this season (which lasts through April I hear). First, however, we will be shopping for some chains to put on our Geo Prism, so that we can keep it on the road as we drive down those steep mountain passes.


Peggy said...

[We're going to have to see some pictures you and the SH in your super sportif ski gear.

Anonymous said...

I am SO jealous, and when I read this to my Old Lady I am sure she will be too. Western snow is so much better! And in April you can ski in your bathing suit! But the silver lining for us is, our skiing is only 1 1/2 hours away, and don't need chains.

Time to take a break

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