(The back windshield looks "wet" but actually it's been spider-cracked all over, my Studly Hubby said you could still hear it cracking for a while after it happened)
So we were a little miffed, and had to shuffle a few things around (I missed yoga! we had to cancel a trip to Portland!), and my Studly Hubby had to take the bus down to City Hall to fill out paperwork to get reimbursed. Then to challenge the very core of our patience, the company we called to fix the car DIDN'T FIX IT for TWO WEEKS - time during which they were "ordering a part" that we found out had never been ordered. Yesterday we called up a new company and today it finally got fixed.
I don't blow my top very often but on Saturday, when I found out that the part we had been waiting on for two weeks (the molding) had never been ordered, I totally lost it. Maybe it was because I hadn't been to yoga in way too long - yoga probably helps me keep my cool. Probably it was also because I had planned to use the car for a whole bunch of different things over the weekend and had to scramble to rearrange everything (again). Mostly it was because a string of other people's incompetence had totally inconvenienced me - sometimes I feel a little bit like a wide-open target. In that case it's helpful to stay in one's apartment and eat as much ice cream as possible.