For those of you who are part of my generation, you have to have watched Saved By the Bell. And if you did, then you know who Screech was. He was the comic relief on the show - the nerdy, annoying, and funny-looking kid that somehow fell in with the "cool crowd" and provided entertainment for all (as long as the laugh track was working). Well, apparently Screech now lives in Wisconsin and is about to have his house foreclosed - so he tried to
sell T-shirts to raise money to save his house. When that didn't work, he made a sex video.
Can you imagine? Let's not.
What the hell happened to all his money that he made on his "hit show"?????? Did it all go up his nose or something??? I would think that Wisconsin (my home state) compared to CA would be a hell of a lot cheaper. Being a graduate student and having to manage my money, I guess I don't have a lot of sympathy for the loser.
Sheesh...I'm crabby today...must be the thesis, which it taking FOREVER!!!!
Maybe you should slow down on the thesis, take your time... let it roll out over the next 7 months or so...
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