As for our wedding, I have been amazed at the generosity of our friends and family.
And the few local friends who have kids really came through too - we got bags and bags of used clothes from one friend and an entire basement full of baby playthings from another (and they even came over to help us put it together!).
Several of our presents were handmade, which really blew me away. One friend sewed cute little things on the front of some onesies (flowers on one, a guitar and embroidered 'Rock Me' on another). One friend knitted a hat and some booties:

Another friend crocheted a star blanket and made a matching card:

On the inside it said: "Every SuperGirl needs a blanket that tells the world she is a SuperStar!!"
The knitting and crocheting is so far beyond my skill level that I just gaped at these things and wondered what planet I visited when I found these friends. And they are even machine washable!!