Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm lost in Lost

We've been watching the show Lost on DVD. We started watching it because a group of people at my work get together to watch the new episodes and we want to get caught up so we can join them (part of my plan for Making Friends). I enjoyed it at first, but am quickly becoming disenchanted. There are so many things wrong with the show I don't even know where to begin, but really, it's all related to this: the show is way too overdone. It is exactly why TV puts me on edge: they are out to trap you and make you watch more by any means possible. Some of the stuff that happens doesn't even make any sense when you shake out of your Lost-induced hallucinations long enough to really think about it. Why, for example, aren't they ever concerned about food? We should all know from our Survivor experience that food is a major problem when you get stuck on a gorgeous tropical island. Especially when there are 40-some of you and only one person seems to know how to hunt (and he's constantly distracted anyway). I'll forgive them that they can't make the actors all lose a bunch of weight to more accurately reflect their situation, but they could at least write into the script something about their concern over the food situation every once in a while. Instead food just appears out of nowhere (fish? oh, here's a net we weaved from nothing with no skills and now we're going to catch some fish in the shallow water where fish wouldn't be, and there you go! fish! now everyone is free to fight monsters).

One thing I like about the show is that it's filmed in Hawaii (like Dog the Bounty Hunter). Oh, my, what a lovely place.


Anonymous said...

suspend your disbelief, my dear! yes, the island is more bountiful than most are in real life, but the further into the show you get, the more the food situation is explained/covered. similar to how they all look so good, though they should be running around with rather greasy hair, constant sunburns, and pit stains.

J-Funk said...

I think SOMEBODY is a Lost fan!

I totally couldn't figure out who "g-dawg" might be at first. I only know three people whose name starts with "G" (from CO, MN and OH) - but then I realized that only one of those three actually reads my blog. You threw me with the "dawg" though - because at first I was thinking it would be a guy. Then I realized you're more likely not a guy, and that you're the one from CO. Am I right?

Anonymous said...

If you think you will get lost, you should wear a TAG. I've given you a tag. hee hee

Tink said...

Hoop and I are totally hooked on Lost... Which was totally unexpected and against Hoop's will. I was watching because of Sawyer. *Drool* We're on the current season now, after buying the first and second on DVD. It get's better after the 1st one is over. Albeit not any more realistic. ;)

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