Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hairy Legs and Ear Wax

Now that I'm not getting in shorts and teaching spin every week, I've let my laziness preside and my leg-hair grow wild. The thing is, I think I'm getting old or something because my leg hair is no longer the light-colored hardly-noticeable stuff it once was (at least from mid-calf down). From mid-calf down my leg hair has turned dark and coarse and seems to want to grow until the end of time. It's starting to look like I have some kind of leg warmers on from a distance. Is this a late-twenties kind of thing that happens to everyone? Or did I pick up some kind of curse? Maybe this is related to the Seattle climate! Well I don't know.

And my ear wax is another problem. Ever since I can remember I've always made a lot of ear wax - I even had tubes put in my ears when I was a tyke. What makes things complicated is that doctors actually tell you not to clean your ears out with cotton balls or Q-tips, because you can irritate your ear canal (which I have done, it's not pleasant). So when your ear starts to fill up with wax because you've had the most annoying cold for the past two weeks, what do you do? Well when I was at Minnesota I went to the student health clinic (which was very good). It was right down the way, and I didn't even have to go outside to get there, so I'd just bop on down and get what is called an "ear lavage" which is when they shoot water in your ear with a big syringe to dislodge the wax until it all comes out. It took about fifteen minutes. Now, however, the doctor's clinic is a little further away and not quite as easy to get appointments at, so I've been trying to figure out a way to do this on my own. It's an easy enough concept, but complicated for a couple of reasons. First of all, I don't have a big syringe. I do have a shower, which creates some water pressure but hasn't worked so far. I also have a turkey baster, which I haven't tried yet. Second, I can't see inside my own ear. This seems obvious, but it's a problem when you're trying to get the most effective angle with the stream of water. So I may have to recruit my Studly Hubby. I'm sure this is the last thing he wants to do, but maybe if I promise to make Christmas cookies he'll oblige. Who can make Christmas cookies with a plugged up ear?


Anonymous said...

You can get ear drops at the drug store, made of "carbamide peroxide", whatever that is, it softens the wax. You can also buy a water squirter -- not sure if that is helpful, it sure does get water all over the bathroom, though.

There once was a man who said "Why
can't I look in my ear with my eye?
I'm sure I can do it
if I put my mind to it;
you never can tell till you try."

Anonymous said...

As someone with this problem let me tell you how I deal with this.

Your Uncle Bruce is correct, you can buy that stuff. However I've never found it to be very helpful. It's greasy and you have to laydown and have it in your ear for a while before you can rise it out and it makes a mess.

In the clinic they don't just put water in your ear. It's a very imprecise mix of (over the counter) H2O2 and water. I did buy one of the little ear bulbs that your Uncle Bruce was talking about.

When I'm in the shower I fill a bowl with warm water from the shower and add some H2O2 to the bowl and then fill the buld and squirt. You put the tip of the bulb in your ear and go to town. I keep squirting until the bowl is gone and then I just stick my ears under the shower stream for the final rinse.

It really works!

J-Funk said...

Wow! Thanks for the excellent suggestions. I'll be going to the drug store tonight for sure.

Anonymous said...

My dear husband has this problem too. He puts those drops in his ears for three or four days prior to getting them rinsed out. Sadly, this makes him even deafer for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

It's a good think you're married...As a singleton I still feel obligated to shave my legs...WHY...I don't it's kinda itchy when I don't shave...

I'm glad I don't have a lot of ear wax. I always use Q-tips to clean out my ears in the morning-it makes me feel good (bow chica wow wow)!!!!-again I'm take what you can get!!!!

Anonymous said...

From the tribe I cam from hairy legs are sexy J-Funk, and the ear wax, we use them to make candels and that means you would be a sexy productive woman in my village!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant to say "come" not "cam"

Anonymous said...

yup, little blue squirter bulb you can find at the drugstore. mix h2o2 with water, put it in your ear, let it sit for 10 minutes or so (you can hear it fizzing). you have to lay down and watch tv sideways while you are waiting. then rinse repeatedly with warm water til you get some chunks out.

i have not shaved my legs since my early 20s and my hubby does not mind. it is nicer for him as he does not have to deal with stubble, actually. however, my leg hair is a very light brown and only shows up on closer inspection, though it certainly tends to get longer and thicker from halfway down the calf to the ankle. i will show you guys when we come to visit over christmas--something to look forward to!!! :)

Anonymous said...


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