This injury isn't totally new. I started having trouble way back in my crazy spin instructor days. My chiropractor in Minneapolis, who was totally awesome, recognized the problem and stretched my IT band every time I came in and lectured me on stretching it on my own and treating it nicely. I didn't really comply until I moved to Seattle and actually stopped teaching spin. Eventually the pain (then it was in my hip) subsided and I thought I was in the clear. Then I started training on Lake Washington Blvd.
Lake Washington Blvd is really pretty and really long (it's a big lake). But every time I ran it (which was three weekend long runs and then the final half-marathon race) I got a weird blister on the bottom of my right foot and had achey hips. Then during the Seattle half, my right IT band finally had enough. It tightened up and hasn't loosened since. So no more Lake Washington Blvd. And no more ignoring the needs of my IT band. I really should be stretching more.
have you thought about some Yoga cross training, as an "athlete", you have to mix it up a little, and it will reduce repeated stress injuries....
Sorry, Ibuprofin, ice packs hot packs.
If it keeps nagging you, your going to have to take some time off, and hope to not get derailed.
With your flue, and now this injury. These are indicators of overtraining.
but everyone gets the flu.
Get well...
Poor you! (open lecture) One really can't warm up and stretch enough beforehand. You really only get one body and you'll suffer in your old age if you don't be more gentle now. (close lecture)
I hope you feel better soon!
IT band syndrome is a common running-related injury (esp. in women). I've been told to strengthen your gluteus medius (butt cheeks) will often help offset the problem. Having the correct shoes also can make a huge difference. Have you ever had your running gait checked out by a "professional" (ie: physical therapist)? Make sure to rest so that it doesn't turn into a chronic injury. Cross training to strengthen weaker areas (again, your bum) will definitely help. FYI, IT band syndrome is also a common OVERUSE injury so take it easy hotstuff! However, running regularly will make you healthier in the long run (heh heh) (stronger bones, joints, etc). And now I'm blabbing so I will stop...
So sorry you are suffering with this. Your chiropractor in Minneapolis - "who was totally awesome" - is right though. Stretching regularly is really good for you.
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