Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ode to Apple Crisp

Yesterday I came home early to "work" and was not into it so ended up making an apple crisp, eating some apple crisp, then passing out on the bed for the afternoon from the sheer delight of the apple crisp. Apple crisp is an intimate part of my life, although I hadn't made any in over a year. I like it because it requires simple things that I almost always have (apples, brown sugar, cinnamon, flour, butter), is super easy (cut apples, throw stuff together, mix a little bit, bake), keeps easy, and I can convince myself it's healthy because it has apples in it. Plus I associate it with fall and in the middle of a very busy and unfamiliar fall I can eat some apple crisp and feel like I'm back in the midwest rolling around in a big pile of leaves. In Minnesota we used to always hit the apple farm sometime in the fall and we would have all of their apple treats; apple crisp, apple popcorn, apple syrup, apple pie, apple cider, etc. The last two years we discovered a new apple farm with even more apple treats including apple brats. Oh, yum! I think if we looked we could probably find a good apple farm near Seattle too, we just haven't looked yet. Meanwhile I am overjoyed to have some home-made apple crisp.

Speaking of fall food, Thanksgiving is coming up...! Thanksgiving is my all-time favorite holiday, mainly because I get to have pumpkin pie (and practice making pumpkin pie several times beforehand). That's next on my list for baking, and I'll be sure to blog about that one too.


The Mop said...

Apples are(IMHO) the greatest Fruit in the whole wide world.

Anonymous said...

I think washington is known forit's there should be some totally great apple farms somewhere...

Time to take a break

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